Angela Goetze
artist´s statement

The way in which we see things is inherently subjective. What I mean by "applied realism" is this very personal manner in which I look at, interpret and then paint a subject. I choose my colours carefully in order to enhance this personal perspective. Usually these are bright and warm colours, because I want my paintings to have something enjoyable and decorative about them. I want them to give the viewer pleasure.

The play of light and shadow in my paintings is something that I see as a particular challenge. I like the images that I paint to have something luminous about them, but in order to achieve this it's important to give a lot of attention also to the dark - or shadow - side of the image. Just as in real life, when you alter the light or perspective, the nuances of shadow also change.

Representational painting for me is a kind of meditation on nature and reality, and the manipulation of that reality through colour, light and perspective. I am genuinely interested in what things actually look like, and enjoy the process of depicting these in new, personal and decorative ways. This is what I refer to as "applied realism".